
File Preparation

There are numerous ways a PDF can be written based on their intent. To create a Print-Ready PDF, please download and install our PDF Preset "Printing Concepts_PDF Preset.joboptions" Below are 2 links: One for Adobe Apps and the other for QuarkXPress.

Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Download Adobe PDF Preset Here

To Load:

File Menu > Adobe PDF Presets > Define... > Load... > Select "Printing Concepts_PDF Preset.joboptions"

Edit > Adobe PDF Presets... > Import... > Select “Printing Concepts_PDF Preset.joboptions”

Edit > Adobe PDF Presets... > Import... > Select “Printing Concepts_PDF Preset.joboptions”


Download Quark PDF Preset Here

To Load:

Edit > Output Styles > Import... > Select "Printing Concepts_PDF Preset.joboptions"

PDF Checklist

  1. 1/8" Bleed
  2. - Any image or element touching the edge of your page needs extended 1/8" beyond the trim.

  3. CMYK should be defined as CMYK
  4. - If your project is printing CMYK, any Spot color used in your file will need converted to CMYK. We can do this for you however we highly recommend this is done on your end to ensure the CMYK build is aligned with you and your company’s standards.
    - Your company may have a Branding Guideline. To save time and avoid mistakes, verify that your CMYK builds are correct before exporting your Print-Ready PDF.

  5. RGB
  6. - Offset printing presses do not print in RGB. A Print-Ready PDF with RGB graphics will be converted to CMYK in our RIP.
    - If you are expecting specific CMYK results, we highly recommend you convert the file prior to exporting your Print-Ready PDF.

  7. Resolution
  8. - We recommend images are at an effective resolution of 300ppi.

  9. Black Text
  10. - Confirm that black text is only black, not RGB or CMYK build.

  11. Revisions
  12. - We are able to make many edits to your pdf file. Some might be too extensive and will require you to edit and resubmit. Another option is to supply us with native files and we can do it for you.

  13. Dielines (cutting, foil, emboss)
  14. - Place art for any dieline on a separate layer and create a spot color swatch named "Dieline" (The build for swatch "Dieline" should be a color that stands out from your artwork)

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Sales Representative.